Weaving Thru America

It all started with this idea for the summer of 2014. My son was four. Summer vacation was three months. All the grandparents were on the East Coast. We were on the West Coast. I work for a family business.


The logical choice was to drive across country and show America to my son. At the same time meet with retailers to learn what their needs were.

What started as a crazy idea about mixing business with pleasure has turned into a yearly adventure.

We travel in our ’98 Mercedes wagon with a roof top tent with a trailer that carries almost everything but the kitchen sink. Who am I kidding, it does carry our camping kitchen sink.

To see the landscapes and glimpse of America, follow @weavingthruamerica Just a place where I capture the beauty we see on our journey.

Our first trip across the country was in Nov. 2012. My husband had already gone west to find us a home. We (me, son and dog) followed in with a UHAUL. That adventure left me with PTS for a good year. Someday I will share the story.

20140329-214709.jpgMarch of 2014: my son and I went to India for three weeks. I know, it is not America. He was 2 1/2. Traveling to India was easier then our first summer on the road.





Summer of 2015: My son and I drove thru 28 states in three months.  He was almost  4. Most of July was spent in NY visiting both sets of grandparents. This was the summer we got our Yuba El Mundo Bicycle. This was also the summer we drove meeting retailers. It was this trip where I realized India with a 2 1/2 yr old was so much easier.

Summer of 2016:  Quick drive from West to East and East to West.


The start of summer for us is Summer Solstice in Upstate NY. The whole family gathers to put on a Shakespeare play in the woods. Then it was a rush back for school. East coast summer going between two grandparents, three house and two trade shows.




Summer of 2017: Six day drive from West to East, school ends way to close to Summer Solstice. Our return trip took two weeks. Ophelia our goldendoodle joined us this summer. Traveling in a car with a roof top tent in 100 degree heat made for an interesting journey West to East. Our return trip we went off the beaten trail. My mother joined us. She asked to see the Grand Canyon for her 78th birthday. Success. I should mention I messed up my knee before this return trip. I had my 78 yr old mother, 6yr old son, 8yr old goldendoodle all with me, while I was using crutches and then a cane.

Summer of 2018: You bet — another road trip and new adventures.

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