Getting ready for the spring consignment sale means weeding through those things my son has outgrown. Some items hold no great memories and then there are these PINK CAT SHOES. It was in our final days in India (March 2014), when we purchased the shoes. HBT feet had grown a full shoe size in six weeks.... Continue Reading →

Being Mom

We got back from India on Wednesday to NYC.Do not worry I still have lots to write. My husband arrived from LA on Thursday. HBT and his dad went to visit his family in VA. I went of to High Point Market in NC. Then I come across this CD. I am so sick of... Continue Reading →

HBT misses his friends

Traveling at the age of 2 1/2...well actually 2 years 8 months, is tough. There are so many new things to see and foods to try. It does not help that the days are centered around mom's work. True, HBT does have fun climbing the rug piles, hunting down the cows and all in all... Continue Reading →

Imagination opens up doors

One of my favorite things to listen to my son talk. Not when he is talking to us... Yes that is all fine and good. It is when he talks to the animals, the toys, and the plants. He is making up conversations based on what he sees and what he imagines. Today, HBT received... Continue Reading →

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