HBT Pictures Sunday March 9

Sunday was a day of rest. We went to the mall. HBT played in a type of Chucky Cheese area, while the mom's shopped. He has gotten into handing over his camera to me, and say my picture, then he makes a pose. Since these photo's and poses are directed by him I have included... Continue Reading →

Friday, March 7

We traveled from Delhi to Jaipur on a 7am flight. THANK GOD for jetlag and Lilibaby carrier. We made it. The rest of the morning was spent learning about rugs. Late afternoon finished off with visits to the Elephant Village, riding a camel, shopping. HBT picked out his own traditional Rajastan outfit. Some of the... Continue Reading →

Car Seat Safety in India

India regulation on car seats, currently--- there is none. That is all starting to change in October 2014. Until then, my traveling with a car seat strapped to me is an oddity to most Indians. What is common place and required by law in the states, is not a concern here...YET. Not as common as... Continue Reading →

And we are off

We left the house at 10am PST. We arrived at the Burbank Airport by 10:30am. Traveling for a month and change with a toddler makes for interesting packing. 3 Bags all from Burton Snowboards. Then add in the fact the local US flights' weight limits are different than international. Throw in the horse that just... Continue Reading →

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